REST Getting Started

The REST API provides HTTP access to your information logged on You can access this information through HTTP endpoints (see below).

If you are using the comet_ml Python SDK, then you can also access this information in Python. For more information, please see Python API.


In order to interact with the API endpoints specified below, you must provide your Comet API key in the Authorization http header.

Here are the instructions explaining how you can obtain and use your API key. Please refer to the Read Endpoints and Write Endpoints sections for additional details on the workspace, project, and experiment data you can request.

Obtaining your API key

To obtain your API key, navigate to your dashboard. In the top right corner click on your username and select Settings from the dropdown menu. In the Settings page, scroll down to the Developer Information section and click "Generate API Key".

Once the key is generated you should see a notification on the top right corner of your browser window. Then hover over the API Key button to reveal the key - clicking on the key will copy it to your clipboard.


Using your API key

The API key is provided to the restful endpoints via the Authorization header. In order to submit a request using your preferred library, append the Authorization header with the value of the API key you obtained above.